Dear Marta and Family,
We just got the news today of the passing of dear Max. We are all heartsick for you and offer our deepest condolences, hugs, care, and love.
We are thinking of you.
Dr Pat, Michelle, Stephania, Jasmine, Scott (from Mount Royal Village Family Chiropractic)
We are truly grief stricken. What a loss! And we didn’t even have a chance to meet him in person… We know he was a great husband, such a rarity these days. May God Almighty Himself have mercy on his soul and grant peace and comfort to you Marta, Max’s parents and other family members. It is very comforting to know that Our Lord has blessed you with such strong support in your loved ones who surround you right now. All we can do is offer prayers. Strive for heaven Marta, pray for Max, and every day that passes will be one less day until you meet again. Eternal rest grant unto Max, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
Dla Marty i Rodziny,
Pragniemy złożyć
szczere wyrazy
współczucia i żalu
z powodu śmierci
męża syna brata i wujka Maxa/Macka.
Grazyna, Kazimierz, Piotr, Wieczorekie
Marto i cala Rodzino Serdeczne wyrazy wspolczucia
Jak trudno żegnać na zawsze kogoś, kto jeszcze mógł być z nami.
Wyrazy głębokiego współczucia Marcie, Rodzinie oraz słowa szczerego wsparcia w tych najcięższych w życiu chwilach, z powodu przedwczesnej śmierci męża, syna, zięcia, brata, wujka…
Dear Marta and Family: We are so sorry for your loss. There are no words, but please know that we are thinking of you during this difficult time.
Dear Marta and family, Both Brett Pawlak and myself Jarrod Pawlak were greatfull to play coed soccer with Max. Our condolences to you and your family. We will miss his personality on the soccer team. There are no other words to explain of how great person Max is. Zeby nie my zapominac sie
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