Funeral Services
I was not able to see Luc ‘S obituary until I found this article, so I could spell his name. Basically I learned so much from him becoming my journey partner around 2011. He continued to visit me weekly and showed his strong common sense..
It’s been a lot to process, but Luc’s willingness to join me on my journey especially as it related to family issues, as well as with my adjustment to retirement - was outstanding.
Hope you continue to have good memories. I could not see the video on the site, perhaps it had been removed ?
Voor allen die Luuk hebben gekend, en in het bijzonder zijn familie, heel veel sterkte gewenst!
Luuk had een hart van goud, en een drive & doorzettingsvermogen waar je u tegen zegt.
Erik van Bemmel
VBAdvies- en ingenieursbureau bouwconstructies.
Rachel, kinderen en verdere familie
Gecondoleerd met het overlijden van Luuk.
We kennen de ouders van Luuk al ruim 50 jaar, onze gezinnen zijn met elkaar opgegroeid.
Een mooie en dankbare herinnering aan Luuk is het feit, dat hij nadat we ons bedrijfspand hadden verbouwd, als laatste klus een mooie kantoorruimte heeft gemaakt.
We zeiden altijd, dat dit de mooiste ruimte van het pand was.
Rachel, samen met je kinderen en verdere familie, kracht troost en sterkte voor de komende periode.
Janny Vogelenzang de Jong(moeder van Joke, Carolien en William
Lieve Rachel kids en family
Wat een mooi dat we zo ook ons meeleven kunnen uiten.
Zelf ken ik Luuk omdat wij naar zelfde kerk gingen. Als jongeren gingen we samen regelmatig naar concerten.
Toen Luuk naar Canada ging hebben wij jullie ook een keer mogen bezoeken in Calgary. Daar hebben wij hele fijne herinneringen aan.
De dienst heeft ons diep geraakt en willen jullie dan ook laten weten dat we met jullie mee leven en voor jullie bidden.
Following the death of Lukas, we offer our sincere condoleances to his wife, his children, his entire family and his loved ones.
We have a special thought for Grace, Herm, Élise, Frédéric and Marc for this farewell to Lukas. The beautiful moments shared with him will remain in your hearts
Lise and Gilles Brisson from Québec city
Following the death of Luck we offer our sincere condolences to his wife, his children, his entire family and his loved ones. We have a special thought for Grace, Herm, Elise, Frédéric and Marc for this farewell to Luck. The beautiful moments shared with him will remain in your hearts.
Lise and Gilles Brisson from Québec city
Most of our memories regarding our dear cousin Luuk are
in Holland. Luuk was together with his brother Jan half a son for us.
We lived many years next to each other.
Our sons and them were arguing, played together... And we build our two garages, a long sheet pile
and small walls in our gardens.
Luuk was like Rachel described, always active working, helping, doing and making jokes.
When he leaved Holland to go to Canada, there was here a big empty place. And when he met Rachel we knew, that he was gone for ever.
But it was good. Rachel and Luuk were a perfect couple.
It was a big adventure when we made a sort like a honeymoon trip on a sailboat.
Then their was a big storm, but we arrived safely in the port.
Now - years later – Luuk and his family (and we in Holland) - experience another storm. A heavy one!
After years of illness Luuk is not anymore here with us.
We are very said, but we believe that he is gone to the most safe port there is.
We know, that Rachel, Naylis, Skyler and Allie , believe that too.
That is our consolation. May the Lord be with you and your family and friends.
I went to Houston several times with Luke to attend client meetings for a high-rise office building in Calgary that we designed together. The night before flying back home, we all enjoyed a huge BBQ dinner with the other Calgary engineers, contractors and designers. Luke asked the server to wrap his leftover ribs and brisket in tin foil to take back to the hotel with him. We all poked fun at Luke, wondering how he was going to eat it all at his hotel room before the early morning flight - we had all abandoned our left-overs on the table. The next morning, Luke arrived at the airport with his carry-on bag and a plate full of ribs, wrapped in tin foil. We poked fun again about how he was going to get that through airport security. After security, we were all waiting at the boarding lounge, and along comes Luke, with his carry-on luggage and a plate full of ribs, wrapped in tin foil. Of course our plane was late...of course we watched as he slowing removed the tin foil...of course he offered to share...of course we declined his offer - he had earned every bite for himself. We all enjoyed watching him savour that victory, and have laughed many times together recollecting The Great Tinfoil Rib Maneuver.
A great man, a genuine person, a great example of how to do what it right.
Keri Himmelreich
My condoleances to all the family of Luuk. I havent seen him in many many years, but in the picture he still looks familiar. I will remember him as a very friendly en authentic person. I wish his wife, children, parents and brother and further family strength and consolation, and hope he will live on in their thoughts and memories
Beste familie van Luuk, gecondoleerd met jullie grote verlies. Ik heb mooie herinneringen (van lang geleden) aan Luuk door onze gezamenlijke passie voor gospelmuziek. Hij is nu op een plek waar hij gospelmuziek van een heel andere dimensie hoort. Ik bid dat dit geloof jullie troost mag geven en wens jullie heel veel sterkte.
Hartelijke groet,
Daniel de Wolf
Beste Rachel en kinderen,
Van harte gecondoleerd met het verlies van je man en jullie vader.
Ook condoleren we de ouders van Luuk, Joop en Tonnie, broer Jan en Marianne en kinderen, en de familie van Rachel.
We wensen jullie de liefdevolle nabijheid van onze God en Vader toe. Wat een troost om te weten dat Luuk nu bij Hem mag zijn!
Ik bouw op U, mijn Schild en mijn Verlosser
Gij voert de strijd, de hulde is u gewijd.
In ‘t laatste uur zal ik zegevierend ingaan
In rust met U, die mij hebt voortgeleid!
Van Hans en Ria van Duijvendijk
Copyright © Funeraltech 2019